Hello all, I’ve been mega busy lately, with long working days back to back and lots of mini trips, I just got back from two days in Cambridge, and have also been working in Bournemouth, London, Birmingham and Wales this past week and therefore not had much time for my blog, and not much else either. But now I have a bit of time off so will can post some funky new pictures over the next few days. I’m off for another working trip in Scotland end of next week, and will be travelling there for 2 weeks, so it will be nice to have some days off to chill out and catch up on things before I set off on another grand adventure!
I had a brilliant shoot with Patrick Allen (click here for his MM profile) in Bedfordshire last Friday in a beautiful Bluebell wood, the whole place was just covered in them and the scent was lushious. We got there early morning and the sun was shining through the trees, illuminating the bluey-purple carpet of flowers in delicate dappled light. We got so many great images but these are my favourites. I think they’re brilliant! Such gorgeous colours and super use of his lensbaby; the flowers look like they’re dancing ~ reminds me of Alice in Wonderland 🙂