Plump petals growing neat yet wild with vibrance and joy, bare blue skies and bold sunshine illuminating this happy, pastel landscape. This is what greeted us at the stunning ‘Confetti Fields‘ in Wick, Pershore; a beautiful flower field, only open to the public for 10 days each year, full of thick, luscious waves of colour – delphinium flowers growing to be picked and made into confetti!
A month or so before I had enquired with my fabulous, flame-haired friend Rebecca Knowles Photography, who was also gleeful to check out this place that she had heard about, and we agreed to shoot there (and also hire a model between us, so I could work on my own photography, as well as modelling in the lushness myself!).
It was a pretty hot day (near the start of this summer heatwave and we were still acclimatising!) so us two redheads were sweltered; suncream, hats and water top-ups aplenty.
Gorgeous as they are, the Confetti Fields are not a place of shade, the bright weather was blazing down all afternoon, with only a few covered areas around the side to retreat, but we embraced the photographic challenge!
I’d not yet shot in bright open sunshine like this, so I knew I’d be learning lots. We held reflectors for each other; as scrims or for fill light, tried different angles against the changing light moving across the sky, and left with many gorgeous images, albeit sweaty, pink-faced and dusty ourselves!
Our model for the afternoon, Paola, relished the climate with her olive complexion. She was very easy going, graceful, sweet and thoughtful, with such a fresh beauty. I can highly recommend her (she’s based in Swansea, photographers – check her profile out).
Above: A peek from the back of my camera which I posted to instagram (left), one of my shots of Paola, wearing a gown by The Couture Co (centre), and (right) a behind-the-scenes of my scrim holding skills in the breeze!
For now, here are the images Rebecca Knowles took of me earlier in the day.
Armed with a bouquet of delphiniums from the on-site flower stall, we ventured into the sea of colour.
Understandably there were restrictions on how far you could walk in, so as not to trample any flowers, but luckily there were sparser areas interspersed, to safely sandwich between the hues.
I just adore these beautiful images – so dreamy, hazy, romantic and vibrant – like a breath of fresh air.
But enough of the pretty – check out the state of my feet!! (no it’s not sunburn – it’s dirt… suncream, sweat and dust!) The card pictured (below left) is by artist Hayley Reynolds who paints the flowers, and I also bought some of the confetti itself, before we made our way home.
It was funny that later on that evening I saw a post of my model friend Ella Rose, stating she had been in the confetti fields that day for a photoshoot too! We had been there for hours around the same time, but managed to miss each other, likely distracted and besotted by blooms! (You can check out one of the pictures she made with photographer Jeremy Hewitt on her Instagram profile!).
Hope you enjoyed the floral fancies here! Feel free to leave a note in the comments, I would love that! Thanks for looking 🙂
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