These are from a shoot with Edinburgh based photographer Barrie Spence – Entropic Tendencies, taken when I was up in Scotland in April. It was one of those days where you just really gel together and create a great working environment, very collaborative, lots of experimenting, reviewing, improving, free-flowing posing, and I left the shoot feeling extra happy and inspired. We did so much but these are some of my favourites.
We tried out using natural light with time exposure, which resulted in these intriguing blurred effects. I enjoyed twisting and leaping around nonsensically, and love the first one in particular, to me it looks like I’m transforming into some dark, bat-like creature, half human half bird.
Wrapping the material around my legs for a mysterious mermaid-esque shot…
Using the beautiful natural light which made my hair and skin glow so warmly…
Then switching to studio lighting, to produce my new favourite back shot, the lighting is so beautiful! Thank you Barrie!