I want to share these beautiful images with you from a shoot I had in Scotland earlier this year, with Jim Furness, a great fine art photographer based near Dundee. I’ve shot with him quite a few times in the past but not for a few years, and it was so good to work together again.
The weather was absolutely gorgeous for the time of year. Late April and it was so warm that day! We drove around in Jim’s open top car, with the wind in our hair, and emersed ourselves in spiritual conversation all the way up the hill, taking rests as it was so hot. We were discussing our interests and beliefs, religion, spirituality, energy, universe, quotations we love, and I felt positively invigorated as we got to the top, and what a beautiful view it was; Kinpurney Hill Folly, a stunning blue sky scattered with delicated whispy clouds and expanse of hazy countryside below for miles.
There was no-one around and we shot freely for an hour or two undisturbed to just create and enjoy the moment. The light was wonderful and the location worked so well; my small human form against the great stone blocks of the folly walls. I felt so peaceful, joyful and alive, and it was very liberating to be nude in Scotland and not be cold! 😉 To not be diving desperately for a coat once the shot is done… to just stand and happily enjoy the breeze and the pleasant freedom of naked skin in the great outdoors, so close to the sky and the ether above.
You can watch a Slideshow of all the images here, accompanied by some beautiful music (I asked Jim and the music is O Salutaris Hostia, a Catholic latin chant. The Saxophnist is Jan Garbarek, who improvises on the sax while the choir is singing). It also features some lovely images we took within Panmure forest.
These are my favourite monochrome versions from Kinpurney Hill… please click on them to view bigger…
And some in colour to show the glorious sky…
Someone recently asked me if I think modern photographers or artists include a sense of awe, glory, mystery, insignificance, holiness and things beyond this universe, in the same way those feelings were captured into ancient and historic art works we still go to visit to this day. It so often feels that in this modern world where everything is scientifically explained and everyone is tweeting, marketing, living so fast, knowing so much; the mysterious and unknown have been sadly lost forever and people have forgotten their connection with the earth. But actually, maybe it is in many places, just quieter or less obvious. I think Jim’s work is one that definitely includes a sense of wonderment and belonging, a love for nature, appreciation of our place in it and celebration of life. As he quotes on his website – ‘We come from the earth, and ultimately our bodies return to it’.
We were so pleased with the what we captured and I know I will always remember it as such a rewarding and wonderful shoot, I hope some of that spirit comes through to the viewer, and you like the images. Thank you to Jim for a brilliant day! 🙂