I’ve been a lucky lady over the last few months in terms of publications… made a few appearances in the photography magazines and also some new bookcovers; really exciting 🙂
Genevieve Jane Nishino got to show off one of her images of me in the Readers Gallery section of the July issue of Photography Monthly. You can see more from our shoot in a previous blog entry here.
I was working at Cottage Studio a month or so ago and we took some images to be used in their Studio Showcase feature, doing my best pixie pose here, in this month’s Digital Photographer magazine…
And this image with the dove by EGo photography was in Digital Photographer a couple of months ago…
I was featured in EOS Magazine in the April/June issue, with two images by Richard Spurdens…
Lara Jade had a feature in 2010’s 2nd issue of Litebook which included some pictures of me…
Taken by Stephen Perry, modelling for london based designer Lady Lucie‘s latex fashion website…
And I only recently got copies of some H&E Naturist magazine issues I’ve been in… the first was last June and then I also had a short-story feature in the December issue.
Also pointed out to me was a small stock shot by Chris Rout in That’s Life (it all makes me happy!) showing off my amazing acting skills…
And thanks to Jan Bickerton and Susa Bell I recently found out about 4 more bookcovers I feature on, including a ‘Lighting the Nude’ cover, all of which I’m really chuffed about 🙂
Huge thanks to everyone who helped me find these publications, or scanned ones that I’d missed, as I don’t always know about them. I hugely appreciate it!