Hi readers… this is a bit of a late ‘Away Notice’. I meant to post a lot more here before heading off to Australia a month or so ago but time ran away from me trying to handle a lot of preparations and busy work trips beforehand. I’m now in Thailand experiencing some sweet time off, but will be back to catch up around Christmas and in the new year, and return to blogging more regularly 🙂
In the mean time I’ll quickly post a few tasters from a shoot I did with a great photographer Bret Salinger; our location – The Bay of Fires, Tasmania! This is a simply stunning place with turquoise ocean, white sand, amazing red rocks and wonderful beach scattered tiny and beautiful shells. I adored it. I’m not sure how well the photos will display using my ipad for this but hopefully you can click in the shots to view the full size. Of course we shot some gorgeous nudes there too which I look forward to sharing in future posts.
Bye for now and see you soon,
~ Ivory